/* Plugin Name: Bookly Plugin URI: https://www.booking-wp-plugin.com/?utm_source=bookly_admin&utm_medium=plugins_page&utm_campaign=plugins_page Description: Bookly Plugin – is a great easy-to-use and easy-to-manage booking tool for service providers who think about their customers. The plugin supports a wide range of services provided by business and individuals who offer reservations through websites. Set up any reservation quickly, pleasantly and easily with Bookly! Version: 22.6 Author: Bookly Author URI: https://www.booking-wp-plugin.com/?utm_source=bookly_admin&utm_medium=plugins_page&utm_campaign=plugins_page Text Domain: bookly Domain Path: /languages License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ Step One Wellness | Live painless.
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A New Paradigm in Pain Relief

Introducing Step One Wellness, a unique concept in identifying, managing and preventing pain.

Get Back to Being You

Simply put, pain is the worst. It affects not only your physical being, but can take a pretty powerful toll on your mental health as well.

Perhaps your problem is new and you’re just starting your search for answers. Or you may already be to lost in the endless loop of healthcare professionals, pain meds and alternative treatments.

No matter where you are in your journey, Step One Wellness is exactly where you should be right now.

What Makes Step One Wellness Different?

We take a YOU approach to dealing with your pain. As a unique individual we know that your body and your circumstances are not the same as anyone else’s. We look at where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going, then incorporate those findings into creating the solution that will work for YOU.

Compensation Patterns

Step One Wellness has implemented an exclusive model that takes a good, hard look at your individual compensation patterns – a major cause of pain that is often overlooked. Our team has undergone intensive training to determine the exact origin of your problem.

Your pain may only be a symptom with the real issue lying in an unrelated part of the body.

Take the first step–make your appointment TODAY!

What's The Process

Step One offers a model of care you won’t find anywhere else. We provide an advanced system of analyses that look at the strength and function of various muscles and joints in your body and how it all connects with your lifestyle.

Our team of practitioners takes you through a gentle range of motion and muscle functioning tests to evaluate the best plan of action to get YOU back in action. After restoring the function of the joint, we begin the process of reducing inflammation both locally and systemically.

With Step One Wellness, results come quickly which means you’re out of pain faster and your outcomes last longer.

Pro Tip:

Most back pain we see is associated with poor glute function!

We test the muscle and perform a series of tests to let us know if we need to reset the neural, lymphatic or muscular system itself to restore function.

Once function is restored, the body goes back to operating in its default mode, or optimal setting. But we don’t stop there. We always conduct a second round of tests to make see if any applications to reduce inflammation are necessary.

Whether inflammation is localized or systemic (full body), we have many tools in our bag to bring you back where you belong – and keep you there.

Contact Step One Wellness